• ecoactivists.journey@gmail.com



Now it is your turn to restore and cherish our environment and make a difference in this world. Be part of the natural cycle and take care of everything that is around you – nature, animals and fellow human beings.

If we want to have a happy future we have to do something about it by living sustainable so that our future and that of future generations is secure.

Never forget that your voice has power and that you can make a difference. You can start small because all the small changes add up to a big one!

You can have the power to change your future because remember: OUR future is in danger and we have a right to save it! Words have power and they can change opinions and views, but even more powerful is it to ACT and show everyone that everything is possible- that way you can be an inspiration to everyone around you. You are what you are now and today is the day to live in the moment whilst not forgetting that every action has an effect on our and your future.

Be an ECO-ACTIVIST and be part of the movement by living more sustainable and using your voice to raise awareness about the environmental topics that you are passionate about.

Furthermore, I can recommend subscribing to Avaaz (www.avaaz.org) which has social, political and environmental petitions supporting our rights and making our voice and opinion count! For that reason subscribe to them so that they can send you emails with actions and petitions with are happening all over the world and which you can be part of. However, that is just one platform…

There are so many initiatives and ways for you to get involved. Activism and sustainability will look slightly different for everyone so find what works for you!

Together we can change the world!

“You are the change you wish to see in the world.”

“Live as you were to die tomorrow and learn as you were to live forever.”

Mahatma Gandhi