• ecoactivists.journey@gmail.com

My Vegan Story

My vegan story and vegan ice cream taste test

Link to Anchor podcast: https://anchor.fm/la-weimann/episodes/My-Vegan-Story–vegan-ice-cream-taste-test-e3djuk

This is a special episode of me taste tasting vegan ice cream and talking about why and how I went vegan! 

I decided to go vegan in June 2016 and it has been one of the best decisions ever. In this episode I discuss environmental, ethical and health reasons for going vegan and explain why I think it is such an important lifestyle change that can make such a massive difference. 

I hope you enjoy it and feel free to contact me if you have any questions (Instagram: @ecoactivist.lea and Facebook page: @ecoactivistjourneys). 

Sending positive vibes and hope you are having a beautiful day.

~ Léa