• ecoactivists.journey@gmail.com

Can you be an activist and a lawyer?

Recently, I’ve reflected a lot on the intersection of being a legal professional, an academic, and an activist. This debate isn’t unique to the legal profession and especially climate and environmental advocacy has generated strong opinions on this subject. Let me explore some of the arguments and offer my reflections: A recurring notion is that “lawyers must maintain objectivity and […]

Changing our laws & saving our world

Reflections upon completing my LLM in Global Environment & Climate Change Law 2022 was a year with many milestones for me: I presented policy recommendations at the Scottish Parliament, celebrated my graduation from the University of St Andrews and received the Principal’s Medal. Furthermore, I was given the opportunities to attend Stockholm+50 and COP27 as a youth delegate, attended the […]

Poem: Climate Change

Just the sound of the word Seems to scare people away. It sounds too complicated. Too complex. Too out of reach. Too far away from daily life…   Yet is touches every aspect of our life. It defines our future. It is changing society forever. It is changing our world. It will change the way we live on this planet. […]

Poem: Who will bring the change?

  “It will have to come from individuals!” “Oh no, my dear friend: Individual action will no change the system!” “Well but then what is the system made of – if not individuals?”   “Politicians. Yes, yes… Well they are so universally similar. Just set out for their own interests.” “Come now. Let us not mistake the universe for our […]

The Effect of Polystyrene

Why is it bad for the environment? Non- biodegradable: Once discarded into the environment it does not biodegrade for hundreds of years. It produces huge litter problems. Polystyrene debits are hazardous to marine life and the toxic chemicals that are ingested by marine life and therefore re-appear in the food chain. The production of polystyrene contributes largely to the depletion […]